War Experience Project
September 29 through October 22 , 2009
Closing Reception October 20, 5-7 p.m.
“We all have our own war experience to share. Some battles are fought on the battlefield, and some within our own homes. The War Experience Project asks people to truly reflect on their experience with war and open up to the realities our veterans are facing on the battlefield and here in our communities.
What I’ve been through can’t easily be spoken. How could I possibly explain to people who have no idea what it’s like to be in war, the realities of combat? I had never painted before but decided to try. Through The War Experience Project I’m inviting you to share your war experience by painting it onto the back of a military uniform jacket. Both civilians and veterans are encouraged to contribute.”
Rick Lawson,
War Experience Project Founder
This exhibition is a collection of perspectives and experiences. The story comes together when each person shares his or her connection to it. Participants in this project bridge the gap between the civilian and military communities, creating dialogue by viewing or creating work for the exhibition. Civilians and veterans are encouraged to document their experiences by painting a uniform.
For-Veterans-Only painting workshops will be offered Thursday October 1 st & 15 th, 5-9 p.m. Uniforms will be provided free of charge for participating veterans.
A community painting workshop will be held Wednesday, October 14, from 5-9 p.m. Uniforms are available for a donation of $20, however we encourage you to obtain a uniform you have a connection to; yours, a friend or family member’s, or found at a local thrift or military surplus store.