La Influencia - The Influence of Oaxacan Master Artists Fulgencio Lazo, Enrique Flores Gonzalez, and Shinzaburo Takeda
September 23 through October 25, 2013
Reception September 25, 6-8 p.m.
La Influencia highlights the contribution of contemporary Oaxacan culture to the Northwest as well as the growing connections between our two regions and features works by Maestro Enrique Flores, Maestro Fulgencio Lazo, Maestro Shinzaburo Takeda, Manuel Bernal, Romson Regarde Bustillo, Isidro Fabian, Eva Isaksen, and Kamla Kakaria.
Over the past several decades, a steady exchange of artists between Seattle and Oaxaca has centered upon Oaxaca’s School of Fine Arts at the Benito Juarez Autonomous University of Oaxaca. This exchange culminated in 2012 when Pratt Fine Arts Center hosted a teaching residency for Maestro Shinzaburo Takeda and two of his students, bringing Oaxaca’s vibrant printmaking scene, regional culture, and emphasis on social justice themes to their studios in Seattle’s Central District and in 2013 when ten Seattle artists participated in a week long printmaking workshop with Maestro Enrique Flores at his studio in Huitzo, Oaxaca.
top: Agua Cristalina by Fulgencio Lazos, acrylic
middle left: Casahuate by Enrique Flores, etching and woodcut
middle right: Perro Juguetón (Playful Dog) by Enrique Flores, xylograph
bottom: TuBelleza de Tehuantepec by Shinzaburo Takeda, oil