Crossing: East African Artists and Social Change
January 5 through February 13, 2015
Artist Reception: February 3, 5-8 p.m.
Crossing presents the work of three socially-engaged East African artists. Featuring painting, photography, and a mixed media installation, their combined works engage rich, complex intersections of art, community, and voice. Seattle-based artist Yegizaw "Yeggy" Michael’s works raise questions and address the risk and experience of economic, political, and cultural migration. In his painted works, Yadesa Bojia (also of Seattle) provides social commentary on the power of art and education. California-based artist Selam Bekele explores identities of race, gender, and culture both within communities of origin and communities at large.
top left: untitled by Yadesa Bojia, acrylic
bottom left: Strangers in the City by Selam Bekele, acrylic
top right: Moment by Yegisaw Michael, acrylic