Circle Five: Contemporary Native American Artists
January 4 to February 12, 2016
Circle Five features the work of five of the region’s most influential contemporary Native American artists: Rick Bartow, Joe Feddersen, Lilian Pitt, Tanis S’eiltin, and Gail Tremblay. For decades, these five prolific artists and educators have straddled the world of the modern and the world of the traditional, continuously experimenting with an array of media, and have shaped the canon of Native American art.
top left: Rick Bartow, Predator's Dream, pastel on paper
middle left: Gail Tremblay, Children at Winter Camp, film stock
bottom left: Tanis S'eiltin, ANSCA, blockprint on rawhide and mixed media
top right: Joe Feddersen, Role Call II, relief print
Works courtesy of the artists and the Froelick Gallery, Portland